About TD

Who Is TD?

TD is a character I created to represent an alternative version of myself. While my physical body is unable to traverse the entirety of the amazing multiverses, TD can go to places and experience things on my behalf, such as traveling across dimensions, shapeshifting, and not becoming allergic to her favorite foods (thanks, strawberries). Although I have given her somewhat of an identity of her own, TD is merely an extention of myself. She is me, and I am her, except she has way more fun than I do.

When Was She Created?

Over the years, I have created a few other self-insert characters, however, it wasn't until 2021 that I came up with TD. I had created a few concept versions of her, but couldn't settle on a visual design until closer to 2022. She is still undergoing changes to this day, and I expect her to adapt and grow with me for many years to come.Below are some images of the VTuber models I've used over the past few years. Soon, I will be moving to my third iteration, TD v3, who is visually quite different from the previous two versions.